Is Drinking Filtered Water Better For You Than Tap Water?

We all know that drinking water is a healthier alternative to beverages that contain a lot of sugar such as cola and fruit juice, but many people just don’t like the taste of plain water. However, this might be because they are drinking unfiltered tap water or bottled...

What Are The Advantages Of A Block Salt Water Softener?

If you live in an area with hard water such as the south east of England, then you’ve probably explored the world of water softeners. These devices remove the hard minerals from the water such as calcium and magnesium, meaning that your appliances will suffer less...

The Hidden Costs Of Hard Water & How A Water Filter Can Help

If you live in a town such as Beaconsfield in the south east of England and you do not have water filters installed in your home, you could be racking up significant hidden costs. Here’s a look at the various ways water softeners can save you money and even lead to...

How Hard Water Affects Skin And Hair And What To Do About It

Most areas of south east England have hard water, which means that it contains higher levels of minerals such as calcium and magnesium than soft water. Therefore if you live in a town such as Aylesbury or the surrounding areas, it’s advisable to use water softeners to...

The Top Five Signs Your Household Needs A Water Softener

If you live in one of England’s fine home counties such as Berkshire, you may well be acquainted with water softeners. Perhaps you are new to the area or setting up home for the first time, and did not realise that the south east of England is particularly prone to...

The Difference Between Hard & Soft Water And Why It Matters

People living in areas of hard water, such as Hertfordshire in south east England, may already be familiar with the concept of water filtration. If you are not, here’s some of the reasons why drinking from the fountain of H2O knowledge might be a very good...