How To Clean And Manage Hard Water Stains In Your Home

Hard water can have many disadvantages, not only is it not very good for your skin and hair, it can also leave lasting damage in your home in the form of stains and marks which can be difficult to remove. While there are several ways to remove these stains, they will...

The One Thames Water Problem That You Can Resolve

Uncertainty over water supplies is a rare problem in Britain. It can occur during times of drought, but otherwise is normally just a temporary issue caused by incidents like burst water mains. Indeed, for people living in the south east the biggest concern is normally...

How Hard Water Can Be ‘Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow’

Hard water can cause many concerns. It may not taste very nice, can build up limescale inside kettles and can also cause clothes to deteriorate faster. But for many, a particular concern could be what it does to you when you bathe in it. An article by AOL Lifestyle...

How Hard Water From Your Taps Could Be Harming Pets

Living in Berkshire means hard water emerges from your taps every day and that has some familiar consequences. The taste of it, the filmy effect on your skin and hair when you bathe with it and the build-up of limescale in your kettle will all be common issues.  All...

Study Shows Healthiest Hair Comes From Soft Water Areas

Soft water areas in the UK have people with the healthiest-looking hair, with Cumbria coming out on top.  Europe’s largest hair clinic Elithair looked at the softness of water from different locations around the country.  They subsequently found that Cumbria, due to...

Why Soft Water Is Better For Your Skin And Hair

If you find your hair is dry all the time and your skin feels itchy after showering it may not be due to the products you’re using, but actually, your water which is causing the issues. Many people don’t realise how many issues hard water can cause. Not only does it...

Why You ‘Havant’ Got Soft Water in Buckinghamshire

News that the first major new reservoir built to bolster domestic water supplies in England since the 1980s is to be constructed near Havant in Hampshire may make a few people across the south-east of England curious about where their water is coming from.  Portsmouth...

What Are The Main Reasons For Softening Your Hard Water?

You might have lived in a hard water area all your life and not even realised it, but once you experience life with soft water, you’ll certainly notice the benefits of switching.  Hard water has a high calcium and magnesium content, and you’ll be able to recognise...

How Water Softeners Improves Shower Experience

Nobody likes to have a shower with a weak water flow. Not only is it impossible to wash shampoo or conditioner out when the power is not forceful enough, but it simply does not wake you up and invigorate you in the same way that a strong shower would.  If you’re fed...

Water Company Fines Will Be Used To Improve Environment

The government has unveiled plans to use money from water company fines for environmental improvements around the UK.  Currently, the money accrued from fines for polluting rivers and seas are returned to the Treasury. However, these will now be ringfenced for the...